Tuesday, March 23, 2010

His love signal for me..

His hands,his eyes and even his messy flat are clues to how he really feels about me.
We all know a hug is an obvious sign that our man’s keen on us,but what about the small,subtle actions that prove you’re his Miss Right and not just his Miss Right Now..?

When he’s watching TV,this could be a real giveaway because his concentration is on tv not on what his body is doing. Without thinking he interlinks his fingers with me,he’s subconsciously saying that he wants to be emotionally interconnected with you. He takes my hand  and pulls it close to him. It’s a protective gesture..Thumbs up hubby!!!!

Meeting each other’s friends is a great test of his feelings. Putting his arm around my waist means he’s telling the lads “she’s all mine” hahahaha..he places it around my shoulder it show a deep desire to take care of me..and a clear indicator that he wants me in his life is when he sits close enough for my hips to be touching…auuuwww….i like! Hahahahaha

He doesn’t want to look bitter,bitchy or jealous. That wouldn’t be cool. But then again,it really is his moral duty as an honest straight-talker with my best interest at heart to point out at every oppurtinity just what a lousy,ugly,unfunny,short,inconsiderate dumb ass the other lad is. Of course he wont put it quiet so bluntly. The meaning is clear,I deserve better. I deserve to have him.

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