Saturday, March 20, 2010

Im not a girl Not yet a women

Its 2010...and now im 22 years im on my way to my destination to finish my 1st degree on Biomedicine...end of year 2011 i will grad..hoorayyyyyy!!! Wish me all the best! and for sure im not a girl anymore...but im not yet a of the evident tell tale signs of approaching womanhood is your sense of fashion. As a girl i used to dress  for the boys but as a woman i will dress for other women. Girls invariably dress up with the aim of enhancing their sex appeal,pairing snazzy pants with flashy blouses or short skirt with spaghetti-strap tops. Woman,on other hand no longer care about what men think of their butts or leg or boobs.This is not to say that they are slobs,far from it. It's just that their motivations for looking good are more mature. I used to feel good about turning men's head  when i walked into a room but these days,im more into the envious glances of women. If a men checks you out,you know its because of your body but if women checks you out,you know its because of you...hahahahahaha...i like! Thumbs up for myself! As a girl i used to go for the cutest guy but as a women i will go for the smartest guy a woman like me can find. Good looking guys are nice to have and hold but unless they are also able to put food on table,they are not worth the trouble. Good looks cannot feed the family for long but good brains never go out of style. As a girl i used to shop,shop,shop but as a woman i will earn,budget,shop and save. As a girl i used to argue or give in,bluster and fight but as a woman i will speak up or compromise,listen and apologise.

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