Wednesday, March 31, 2010

End of March

Today is the day.....end of March. Let recall what had happen from 1st March til today. Im sure its many things do i..sad,missing,happy and what so ever are listed,from sad story to love story..from love story to thriller story..from thriller story to romantic story...hahahaha..seems everythings turned bad..problems problems problems..i cant ran away from it no matter how i've tried..depressed,tension,..the 1 day i made a decision..i talked to Him..told everythings...from sad to love story...released all on that day..Thanks to Him.. i know He is the one....When i gave up...He is the one to raised me up....when my boyfriend supposed to be with me when im downed, He is the one be with me...Its many things make me think too much..

Im sicked...headache..dizzy,nausea,vomitting, take care of myself..but im wished my mom be with take care of me...i miss my mom..then every night when missing her,i ring her..talked to her...oh mom,i love you...

Final exam...Thank God..i know i can do it better than before..Thanks to all lecturers that gave lecture to me and friends..especially Dr Pallavi...she teach us Clinical Microbiology..she is brilliant. Thumbs up for Dr. at 1st i hate this subject but then i fallen in love with it. and Mr Hairulnizam...he's handsome,good  brain too...hehehhe... his look like Faizal Tahir,that what my friend told me...and thats is true! hehehe... he teach us Clinical Biochemistry and Anatomy & Physiology. Thanks to him....Mdm Roziana were pregnant when she teach us Research methodology..she also good lecturer. Miss Raihan was our lab section lecturer. Her face was so pretty..she kind...thanks Miss...and last but not least,Miss hai ohh....she teach us in lab..Microbiology's lab...hehehe...

1 week holiday,i spent time with friends..Beering with Tung Leh,George and Lipcy...damn!!! Vomitting....hahahaha...having fun with shopping...looking for 'anak ikan emas' hahaha... watched movie with Din and Man...hahahaha....

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